Privacy policy of HUMMEL AG

HUMMEL attaches great importance to observing ethical and legal principles. This includes protecting the personal rights of each person. Naturally, we comply with all of the laws in force when collecting, processing and using personal data. The following data privacy declaration explains how HUMMEL AG ensures data privacy and protects your personal data. We also inform you of your rights.

Personal data and data that is automatically collected

On our website, we collect personal data (e.g. address, telephone number or e-mail address) only if you provide this information voluntarily (e.g. in a contact form). We also collect data regarding use of our websites (time of access, IP address of the browser, previously loaded page – your browser always provides this information when you access a page). We use this data only to safeguard the technical operation of our websites and to optimise them (in a non-personal manner). The server protocols are automatically deleted after 3 months. We use cookies in order to offer visit-related functions. These cookies are small text files which your Internet browser stores temporarily. They are valid only for your current visit and are not saved on your hard drive.

Web analysis with the help of Google Analytics

In order to offer you the best possible service and continually improve our website for the benefit of our visitors, this website uses analysis software from Google Inc.

We would like to offer you the following information regarding this analysis software:

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files which are stored on your computer and allow an analysis of your use of the website. The information regarding your use of this website generated by the cookie (including your IP address) is transferred to one of Google's servers in the USA and stored there for 26 months. Google uses this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports regarding website activities for the website operators and to provide additional services relating to website and Internet use. Google may also pass on this information to third parties if this is stipulated by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google. Under no circumstances will Google link your IP address to other data held by Google. By configuring your browser software settings accordingly, you can prevent your browser installing cookies. However, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all or the full functions offered by this website. By using this website, you agree to the data about yourself collected by Google being processed in the manner described above and for the purpose described above. You can revoke your consent to Google Analytics collecting and using your IP address in the future at any time. More detailed information can be found at:

This website uses Google Analytics with the "anonymizeIP()” extension to ensure that IP addresses are processed in shortened form only and thus prevent data being linked to individual persons.

Data security

As far as its company processes and IT systems are concerned, HUMMEL carries out all the necessary technical, organisational and personnel-related security measures in order to protect personal data against misuse, deletion and manipulation. This includes in particular protecting data against unauthorised forwarding and unauthorised access by third parties. For example, all information that you enter in forms on this website is encrypted before it is transferred to our web server (HTTPS).

Use of data only for specific purposes

The personal data that you provide will be used by HUMMEL only to process your queries and orders or to release protected information. If a site abroad is responsible for your query, we will pass on the query to the HUMMEL subsidiary company that is responsible for you or to our local contractual dealer.

There are a number of forms on HUMMEL websites. HUMMEL uses the data entered in these forms only for the specified purpose. We reserve the right to make further use of the data if

  • the data is needed to prepare, negotiate and fulfil an order or the data is used for a purpose which is directly linked to the original intended use,
  • legal obligations or official or judicial instructions require this,
  • the data is needed to establish or protect a legal claim or for defence in the face of legal action or
  • this is necessary to prevent improper use or any other illegal activities, e.g. deliberate attacks on HUMMEL systems designed to ensure data security.

Your rights as the person concerned

You have a right to be told what personal data HUMMEL saves. If HUMMEL saves incorrect information about you, you can demand that the information be corrected. You can revoke your consent to the saving and processing of your data at any time. We will delete your data if it is no longer required for the original purpose or you revoke your consent. If there are legal reasons which prevent your data being deleted, HUMMEL will instead block your data so that it can no longer be used. If you wish to contact us, please use our contact form or send an e-mail to our data privacy officer:

If you wish to request information, please write to HUMMEL AG, Data Privacy Officer, Lise-Meitner-Straße 2, 79211 Denzlingen and provide proof of identity.

Recording of CO2 emissions

We use Purement to record the CO2 emissions of our website.
Purement is a cloud-based software that can calculate and display the CO2 consumption for websites, assets (images, videos, etc.) and external resources (scripts, images, videos, etc.) by temporarily recording the IP address to send a script. This data can be used to analyze where measures can be taken to reduce the CO2 emissions of the website or app.

Purement is used on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the presentation of CO2 emissions. If a corresponding consent has been requested, the processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR and § 25 para. 1 TTDSG, insofar as the consent includes the storage of cookies or access to information in the user's terminal device (e.g. device fingerprinting) within the meaning of the TTDSG.Consent can be revoked at any time for the future.As part of the analysis, all URLs loaded and any assets loaded on our website are transmitted to Purement when the website is accessed in order to record the associated CO2 emissions. The IP address of the person visiting the website is inevitably also transmitted, but this is neither processed nor stored by Purement, but deleted after the non-personal data has been collected for statistical evaluation.
Further information on data processing at Purement can be found at