
Technical Compliance

To the best of our knowledge, our products meet all legal requirements of the current regulations. We are in close exchange with our suppliers to ensure that no substances or materials enter our production process in inadmissible concentrations.

Please find below our declarations of conformity:

Business compliance

Hummel AG Code of conduct

Hummel AG is committed to integrity, transparency and responsibility in all our actions. Our Code of Conduct forms the basis for our ethical behaviour and our corporate culture. It serves as a guideline for all employees, partners and stakeholders and ensures that we act in accordance with our values and the applicable laws.


Whistelblower system

Integrity is based on reliability and the certainty of doing the right thing.

Compliance means adhering to all relevant laws, internal guidelines, recognized standards of conduct and voluntary commitments in all areas of our company.

For us, compliance is an integral part of our corporate culture.

At HUMMEL, we see compliant behavior as the basis for successful business development. Compliance is therefore a fundamental aspect of our corporate strategy and culture. Integrity in our dealings with business partners and colleagues is essential for us.

Compliance as internal and external protection.

The topic of compliance is of fundamental ethical importance to us and is also of central importance because violations can lead to considerable legal consequences, significant fines and reputational damage.  

As compliance with laws and internal regulations is at the core of our self-image and has the highest priority for HUMMEL, we have set up a whistleblower system. Incidents can be reported around the clock via this system. Technical security measures ensure the anonymity of reporting, if desired. This ensures that reports of violations, particularly those with a high risk for the company and its employees, can be investigated fairly and appropriately.

Help us by informing us of legal violations or breaches of the rules in relation to HUMMEL AG.

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